I am so grateful for my mother, for her great example and love for all of us children. She was such an example of selflessness as she raised us. I know no better way to show another your love then through unselfish sacrifice!! Thank you mom!!!
I had a great mother's day and felt so loved. The kids all made me lots of cute cards and Taylor got me the cutest apron!! I love to bake and find any reason to do it. Getting a new apron was definitely a great reason to make some cookies.
We recently had my sister Serena stay with for a couple of weeks. We loved having her here and spending that time with her. Here is a bunch of pictures of her stay with us... Serena and I had the opportunity to go to BYU Women's Conference. We has such a great day together running in heels back and forth from class to class. We heard many inspiring talks and listened to beautiful musical numbers. It was such an awesome day and I loved spending it with Serena! The time we had together, specifically at Women's Conference, will always be so special to me! Serena's stay here wouldn't be complete without Chuck-O-Rama!!