Friday, January 3, 2014

Home is where your Heart is.

Well, we did it! We moved our little family across the country to Gaithersburg, Maryland. Growing up in a small little town of 3000, I would have never imagined myself living out here. Maryland is beautiful! There are so many trees and even though we live in a very populated area, it doesn't feel that way because of those trees. We found a home in a quiet neighborhood with a big backyard for the kids to play in. I have so many good things to say about this place and of the wonderful people that live here; yet this move out here has been one of the greatest trials of my life. I loved living in Utah, it was our home for 4 wonderful years. I made friendships that will last into the eternities and memories that I will always treasure in my heart. I loved that we could jump in our van and drive 12 hours to be with our families back in Canada. It was perfect; it was our little garden of Eden. I think deep down Taylor and I always knew that it would only be temporary, that Heavenly Father had a different plan for us. A quote that has become a great strength to us is a quote by Joseph Smith Jr. It says, "A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race. This has been your feeling, and caused you to forego the pleasures of home, that you might be a blessing to others, who are candidates for immortality, but strangers to truth; and for so doing, I pray that heaven’s choicest blessings may rest upon you.” I truly believe that Heavenly Father has a specific plan for each of His children and it is for us to seek out His divine guidance and then act. Wherever we live, whether we live in Utah or clear across the country, the only thing that really matters is that we are where Heavenly Father wants us to be. The need for His work to continue knows no borders and no boundaries. There is much to do no matter where you live. Today as I was cleaning my kitchen I had a phrase come to my mind. It was, "Home is where your heart is". I have heard that saying many times in my life and today it really spoke to my heart. I realized that if I truly want to feel at home here in Maryland, I need to open my heart again. I know that if I do, this will be my home.