Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Seven Peaks - Summer 2010

Seven Peaks was a huge hit this last summer; the kids loved it! Hallie couldn't stop talking about "the orange slide", it was her favorite. The boys loved the waves and the lazy man river. My favorite part, if I was lucky, was Brock would take his afternoon nap in the beach tent and I could lay near by in the sun!

Payson Lakes Camping Trip 2010

We went camping at Payson Lakes with my brother and his family. We were lucky to get a camping spot there, but because there was a bear scare there were some spots open. A little bear can't scare us away! We had a great time, it was so beautiful! Definitely something we hope to keep it up every year!

One thing I didn't factor in with the whole camping experience was how dirty the kids ended up. I guess a little dirt never hurt anyone, but I am so glad we had that lake near by!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ashton 6th Birthday!

Well I have a lot to catch up on. We still have yet to recover all our pictures from when our computer crashed. But thanks to Facebook, I was able to get a bunch of pictures from off there. For Ashton's birthday party we did a Mario theme. Both Ashton and Brody are a huge fans of the Mario brothers. They often ask for Mario and Luigi stories before bed and both pick a character they want to be in the story. The party went great and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun!

One of the games we played was, "Mario saves Peach". Taylor was such a good sport and dressed up as Bowser and chased around all the kids. What a good dad! We also played pin the mustache on Mario.