I can't believe our baby girl is now nine!! She is and has always been such a good girl, always trying to do her best in all aspects of her life. We have loved watching her grow and figure out things for herself. For Hallie's birthday we had a luau party. She had so much fun with all her friends and it was fun to see her personality around all those girls. All the girls were talking about what boys they liked but Hallie stuck by her claim and said she doesn't like boys. I am totally fine with that, although I know there will be a day she will. Right now she more focused on beating them in races, she is a little competitive. Happy birthday Hallie, we LOVE you!! Here is a bunch of pictures from Hallie's party...
I can't believe it! I still remember the day I met her! She looked more like the little girl in the first picture then. She's such a beauty!