Thursday, November 19, 2009

Don't get me wrong, I love our American people here, but look at the influence they are having on our Canadian children. But you have to admit, It sure is cute!!


  1. WHAT!!!! Do they have to recite it at school or something...??? It's just wrong. I hope you have maple leaf shirts for them to wear! Now that I got that out...We miss you and your kids! I can't believe how big they've gotten!

  2. I know hey!! Ashton has 2 Canadian shirts and has worn them both to school. I'm pretty sure they recite it everyday. I knew Hallie knew it, but I was suprised when Ashton started spouting it out! We really miss you guys too!! I can't wait to meet Ronin, what a cutie!!

  3. ha ha ha...that is awesome! Atleast they have God in there. Thats more then we can say for Canada.
